1. Our Profile
- Vision
To be an Oasis of Hope
Reason behind the vision:
To all who encounter HopeHouse that they find themselves, learn who they are and through accepting lives’ situations are able to be independent and integrated back into their family, community and society.

- Mission
Giving youths hope for a new beginning
To give youths, aged 14 to 21, the hope, care and support that can make a difference to help and guide them back to meaningful lives.
To provide a home environment that is conducive for their emotional, social and educational development and to enable them to grow their full potential.
To facilitate the reintegration back into their families and to society; to nurture them to become responsible adults.
- Values
HopeHouse will shelter male youths from all race and religious backgrounds. It is recognised that the residents will have varied backgrounds with differing family circumstances and needs. Some of these needs will make case planning more challenging as posed by the differing profiles and activities of the residents eg. some may be students, national servicemen, part-time/full time job holders or youths on statutory home detention programmes.
We believe that every person is unique and capable of change for the better. In this respect, we will operate and manage HopeHouse with flexibility. Our customised programmes help each resident develop and achieve his best potential, based on the following values:
- Honesty – in whatever we say and do, we want to inculcate the values of honesty and integrity.
- Openness – in our relationships with people, to build genuine trust and commitment – to be always open to change and improvement.
- Perseverance – in the pursuit of a fulfilling life, we will persevere and overcome all difficulties and challenges.
- Empowerment – we seek to empower our residents to fully develop their talents and potential. As responsible and confident individuals, they can in turn contribute back to society.
- Logo and Its Meaning
- The logo reflects the mission of HopeHouse which is to give hope and support to its youth-residents. At the forefront of every effort in HopeHouse is its People. The figure drawing in the logo represents the importance placed on the people who will live in, work at and pass through HopeHouse.
- The ‘waves’ are indicative of the emotional, educational and social aspects of HopeHouse programmes that will help to shape the lives of the youth under its care.
- The font chosen for the logotype is a modern san serif typeface which speaks of the wholesome and fresh outlook of life that youth of today can aspire to live.
- The colour Green in the logo symbolises change and growth. The colour Blue reflects the idealism and a positive view of life. And the colour Grey symbolises the mastery of balance and self control; developing attitudes of the young to grow into responsible persons, within the family and the larger community.
- Corporate Info
Corporate Structure
HopeHouse Ltd has been incorporated on 11 May 2010 as a company limited by liability. This is to ensure the rigour of any registered company governed by the Companies Act. Hence, HopeHouse Ltd is subject to adhere to Companies Act and the requirements as set up by Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). HopeHouse is a Registered Charity and an approved Institution of a Public Character (IPC No. 000728). HopeHouse is a social mission initiative of the LaSalle Brothers of Singapore.
Company Objectives.
HH is open to youths at risk, aged 14 to 21, regardless of racial and religious backgrounds.
HH believes that every person is unique and capable of change for the better. In this respect, HH operates with flexible and customised programmes to help each resident develop and achieve his best potential.
HH will:
- Provide temporary lodging, food and counselling to youths at risk, who face difficulties and problems due to a variety of reasons e.g. dysfunctional families, etc.
- Provide shelter in accordance with a Court Order or as decided by the HH Admission Committee.
- Develop individualised programmes that will assist in reintegrating the youths back into their respective families and society.
Board Structure
The Board members are gifted with different talents and their role is to:
- Set the direction for HopeHouse.
- Ensure that both governance and operations work in tandem.
- Responsible for the staff and the residents of HopeHouse.
- Make a difference to the people/residents we serve while operating with a set of guiding principles.
Guiding Principles for the Board
The Board members operate with the following set of guiding principles in mind:
- Diversity – different talents that make the whole more powerful, diverse views that challenges us to be better.
- No one is more important than the collective whole.
- Others before self.
- Believe in what we do, enjoy what we do, love the people we do it with and for.
2. Our People
Board of Directors
Rupert Gwee : rupert@hopehouse.sg
Brother Collin Wee : collin@hopehouse.sg
Chia Boon Khiang : bkchia@hopehouse.sg
Brother Nicholas Seet : nicholas@hopehouse.sg
Br Collin Wee f.s.c, Home Mentor : collin@hopehouse.sg
Ben Peh, Head of Home : ben@hopehouse.sg
Elle Lee, Home Management Executive : elle@hopehouse.sg
Gwenda Ang, Office Administrator : gwenda@hopehouse.sg
HopeHouse Committees
The HopeHouse Board is supported by the following Committees:
(i) Home Management, Welfare & Programmes Committee – Members look into the state of well- being of residents and collate various programmes and initiatives required for the individuals as well as the needs of the residents as a community.
(ii) Admissions Committee – Members review the admission procedures of applicants for the Home including the assessment criteria for suitable residents.
(iii) Audit/Finance Committee – Members oversee that HH financial controls are in place. The committee includes members from within the home and external resources.